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Sudsy bear, it is a men’s health care related product. Here, we have designed and developed the customer dashboard replacing the customer portal of recharge, integrating the recharge API’s to function the swap subscribed  products, add additional products for subscription, remove from subscriptions, view all orders, change customer information including name, phone number and address.

Account Overview: Recent order and your subscriptions details

In the account overview, we have shown the upcoming order and option to refill as of today’s date. Further, it has the edit your order options which navigates you to edit, skip, swap your subscriptions order and so on.

Edit Subscription Box: Swap, Skip, Remove, Add.

In the edit subscription box, we have all sorts of features including skip, swap product with another product, add new product in the subscriptions and remove subscriptions as well. All sorts of features are achieved with recharge APIs. 

Refill Schedule : Upcoming subscriptions

In the refill schedule, we  have all the upcoming subscriptions scheduled. Furthermore, we have developed an interface where we can change the name, contact number of the user in the Shopify.

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