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Syos specializes in providing a wide range of mouthpieces and accessories tailored Syos specializes in providing a wide range of mouthpieces and accessories tailored for saxophone and clarinet players. The goal was to develop the system to advise the customer on a product according to the answers on the quiz. The user will have to choose between different sound excerpts and a saxophone mouthpiece will be suggested in the results for saxophone and clarinet players. The goal was to develop the system to advise the customer on a product according to the answers on the quiz. The user will have to choose between different sound excerpts and a saxophone mouthpiece will be suggested in the results

Syos specializes in finding the perfect mouthpiece for you

The mouthpiece orientation quiz is a set of questions that each include two audio files played by an artist using an undisclosed mouthpiece that users can listen to and choose as their favorite or skip if they don’t like either of them. This is a blind quiz where users will select the audio they prefer the most and at the end of the quiz, a result consisting of mouthpieces suggested by a recommendation logic will be displayed based on the users’ own choices.

Encourages Registration

There are different options of mouthpiece types to choose from to begin the quiz. The availability of the mouthpieces is configurable from section settings. Users must login to view the results of the quiz they played after all the steps are completed.
Unregistered users can register to view their quiz results.

Comprehensive Recommendation Logic

The results are mouthpiece products suggestions that have been produced as a result of complex calculations based on the tone and power of the audio that customers have listened to and chosen as their favorite in each step of the quiz.
They have a match percentage which show how much close the displayed products are to the choices made by the users. The details of the product and a list of all the audios shown in the quiz are displayed in the results page for users to reflect on their choices and retake the quiz if they don’t like the result.

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